क्लीं बीज का रहस्य

Kleem Mantra

Kleem Mantra ( कलीम मंत्र ) Siddhi | Kleem Mantra For Love, Job Or Marriage Problems

Kleem mantra is only one of the numerous antiquated otherworldly customs that are trailed by Buddhists, Hindus, and other Eastern true religions, to make love. Moreover, this is one of the most established and incredible mantras everything being equal and probably the best custom used to make fascination and love.

The Kleem Mantra is a serenade that is utilized to draw in richness into one's life. The mantra works by speaking to higher powers with the goal that they can offer their help with somebody's life.

"Kleem" is alluded to the seed or beej mantra for Goddess Kali. Kali is known for being fierce, powerful, and the dreadful type of Mother Goddess. She is frequently outlined as a moving icon or remaining with one leg on her better half, Lord Shiva. As an exemplification of time, Goddess Kali eats up all things, and she is known to be compellingly appealing to every single living being, Gods, and humans.



Ka – implies Lord Kamadeva, he is the Hindu divine force of adoration and want.
La – implies Lord Indra, he is the pioneer of Gods and the leader of Heaven, he is additionally the Lord of material things.
Ee – implies fulfillment or the full moon.
Mm – implies one that brings love, thriving, bounty, and bliss.


It is accepted that by reciting this mantra multiple times every day, it evacuates all entanglements with one's connections. It has the ability to recuperate and fix numerous diseases, for example, discouragement and shortcoming. Also, reciting the mantra with earnestness expands power, warmth, assurance, and inspiration, henceforth, this mantra is a decent solution for stationary, tiredness, and exposed to the harsh elements climate.

Moreover, a steady reciting of this mantra particularly before dawn expels pressure, internal apprehensions, and all strain, and furthermore helps in regularizing circulatory strain and regularizing rest designs.

Additionally, the mantra can likewise be utilized to draw in boundless vitality, otherwise called prana. Consequently, with the assistance of this mantra thriving, congruity seeing someone, bounty, bliss and material achievement can be picked up.

Deductively, we accept that everything that exists right now, is both imperceptible and noticeable, radiates a vibration reverberation. Consequently, by reciting this mantra we balance the energies and increment the degrees of our vigorous framework, which encourages us in advancing certain gainful activities.


The Kleem mantra can be tuned in to or recited whenever of the day. There is no endorsed explicit number of redundancies required (despite the fact that it is prescribed to recite a base 121 reiterations day by day). In any case, the more you recite or tune in to, the sooner you will see wanted outcomes throughout your life.

The Brahma muhurta, i.e., the time before dawn around 5 am, is a decent time for reciting this mantra. Another great time is before resting. The best stance for reciting is to sit leg over the leg with hands upon your thighs and with your palms confronting upwards. A few people additionally want to be in a shut space, while some may want to hang out in the open.

Continuously attempt to sit in an agreeable stance and spotlight on your third eye, envisioning a red fire between your eyebrows. Presently start to recite this mantra. One must recite like Kleemmmmmmm. The sound of 'M' should be extended simply like a sanctuary or a congregation ringer extends the chime sound murmur.